Lead the charge

Commercialization demands critical insight, skilled forecasting, bold thinking, and keen knowledge of the competitive landscape – and in today’s hypercompetitive healthcare marketplace, the process of taking a product or technology to market successfully sometimes means throwing out the old playbook.

Popper engages with clients to delve into the unknowns and create viable commercialization strategies that challenge the status quo.

Step 1: Plot a course

In order to develop a market-driven commercialization roadmap, we’ll start here:

  • Assess assets in market and competitor context
  • Understand stakeholder needs
  • Define opportunities for differentiation
  • Identify potential partners
  • Conduct due diligence on economic/commercial viability


Step 2: Scout the environment

After our client-focused review, we’ll turn our attention outward to determine competitive positioning:

  • Define competition and map the environment
  • Identify potential problems/gaps and resulting market opportunities
  • Identify unmet/underserved needs in all relevant market segments
  • Map uncharted ecosystems
  • Present current industry trends and implications on client strategy
  • Determine competitive positioning


Step 3: Zero In

Armed with a comprehensive knowledge of business opportunity, our team will:

  • Define business model scenarios
  • Assess regulatory & reimbursement strategy
  • Develop early economic model
  • Identify potential financing and strategic partners
  • Plan prototyping strategy
  • Assist with preparation of launch plan


Step 4: Reduce to practice

Next comes design and prototyping, which we’ll facilitate by connecting our clients with the specialized expertise needed to execute with deliberate precision. Our network of engineering and design partners offer the following capabilities:

  • Manage transformation of concepts into prototypes
  • Develop cost estimates and timelines
  • Learn about functionalities, gather feedback from users
  • Provide manufacturing support through the product development lifecycle